The new Cambridge Festival will take place from 26 March to 4 April 2021, with a series of free online events and activities for the whole family.
The inaugural Festival aims to tackle and offer solutions for humanity’s most pressing issues, from pandemics, climate change and global economics, to human rights and the future of democracy.
The Festival will have strong and distinct platforms for the Sciences and the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
On offer will be a uniquely Cambridge eclectic mixture of over 350 events and activities: from panel discussions, film premieres, and guided walking tours, to ‘try this at home’ activities for the whole family.
Topics cover the breadth of Cambridge research and will be presented across the Festival’s four themes: Society, Health, Environment and Explore!
The NIHR Brain Injury MIC is delighted to participate by showcasing 3 projects around sports concussion. Find out more here.