SBRI Healthcare are pleased to announce that the next funding competition will launch on 24 August 2021. Companies and organisations are being invited to bid for funding to develop solutions to challenges in:
The NIHR Brain MIC would be keen to offer support and assistance to any organisations who wish to apply for this funding stream. The funding competition is open to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and organisations from the private, public and third sectors, including charities.
Please email all project outlines to:
Competition 19 is inviting applications for funding to develop solutions to challenges in:
Mental Health Inequalities in Children and Young People
NHS Reset and Recovery and New Ways of Working
SBRI Healthcare, funded by NHS England and NHS Improvement and in collaboration with the AHSN Network is pleased to announce the launch of a new competition on Mental Health Inequalities in Children and Young People with focus on the two main following challenges:
- Mental health service/support improvements
- Equity of mental health service access for disadvantaged, marginalised, or BAME Communities
SBRI Healthcare, funded by NHS England and NHS Improvement and in collaboration with the AHSN Network is pleased to announce the launch of a new competition on NHS Reset and Recovery and New Ways of Working with focus on the two main following challenges:
- Reducing NHS workforce pressure
- Increasing NHS effectiveness